How fast can RC Cars go? An in-depth Q and A over RC's
With fast RC Cars there is a lot of benefits to be had and is a dream of nearly every RC car enthusiast!
But "what is the fastest RC Car out there?" and probably one of the most asked questions is "how to make RC Cars faster?" Well, many factors come into play when making these considerations; such as the size of the rc car, is it on road or off road, it is battery powered or gas powered (nitro), along with many other aspects.
As a general rule of thumb, modern brushless rc cars can possibly reach up to (and even surpass) 100km/h both on road and off road, (depending on conditions and the cars build). With the standard stock cars that you can buy, you usually can’t modify them to go any faster than what the manufacturer has pre-set, the car also comes with a number of trade-offs. When traveling at those speeds the chances of a crash are very high and at that speed the collision can be rather damaging.
Therefore, it is critical that if you want to get your rc car running as fast as possible you must consider some key aspects. The most important one is the place where you will be attempting the speed run. Safety is critical, so ensuring you keep the vehicle away from people and other vehicles is important. The road you’re using needs to be as smooth as possible and lastly before attempting your speed-run, always inspect the conditions of the surface, as small bumps at high speeds can cause mis-alignments, or even potential damage to your rc car, let alone other possible damage to the property of others.

How to build a fast-running RC Car?
Engine & ESC: To get as much speed as possible out of your rc car you need to install a powerful motor and electronic speed controller (ESC) that you can fit in the car.
Gearing: The gearing is very important as it determines the acceleration and the top speed of the car. Changing the gearing can help you gain higher speeds however you need to keep an eye on the temperatures in your motor and speed controller.
Cooling: As explained in the gearing section, more speed implies higher temperatures in the Motor and Speed Controller. In order to ensure your rc car can run at faster speeds, you need to be able to squeeze every bit of performance of out your equipment, hence keeping it cool is critical.
- Drive train: Upgrading an rc car to create more speed is always fun to do, however each car is originally designed with a specific intent in its design, which means that as you put more power through some of the components, the drive train could possibly become a weak point due to stress/strain.
Batteries: This is clearly a very important part to get maximum speed out of an Rc. The higher the voltage the more speed you can get. The only limiting factor is your motor and speed controller which have a limit on how much power they can handle, so always be sure to take that into account when buying your battery.
- Aerodynamics: As always aerodynamics play a very important part, in this case making sure the car is stable at high speed is important hence the installation of front and rear wings is a good option.

What is the cheapest RC Car?
Well, I think we can settle on few around the $100 mark. The NineSteps 1/18 scale are really fast reaching speeds of about 40km/h. These little cars are 4 wheel drive and suited to any age group.
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